Journey to Parenthood

I want to be purposeful about journaling during this time in our lives as we watch our miracle micro preemie, Asher, continue to grow and thrive. I began this blog during my month of bed rest at the hospital while I was pregnant with Asher and his brother Titus. We continue to hope and trust the Lord for Asher's future. This blog begins with the story of how both of our boys came to be. They came about after many tears, many prayers, and many months of crushed hopes. On February 2, 2012, our boys Titus Bauer and Asher Mark were born at just 23 weeks and 2 days gestation. My water around Titus broke at 19 weeks, so his lungs were very underdeveloped. Titus lived 45 minutes and is now living a perfect life in heaven as he watches over his little brother Asher. Two and a half years later God redeemed our story of hurt with a precious full term baby brother for Asher. We are humbled by how the Lord has loved on us in our journey through parenthood.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Someone's Pouting

Asher has an infection and is not feeling he's pouting a little in the 2nd picture. He's also opened one eye..we are still waiting on the other one. But it's fun to see him looking around a little! He's having some lung issues right now, but they are going to treat the infection first with antibiotics. After that, we will look at the lungs again and decide whether to do steroids or not. If he keeps requiring too much oxygen, we have to do the steroids. Too much oxygen and steroids both come with their side effects or risks. We are praying to believe and remember that every day Asher has has been planned out by God- He knew all the risks and medicines this little guy would have to take- and He's already in the future. The weight of those decisions is not all on us. We'll see how he does the rest of this week! The infection could be what's causing the need for high oxygen. If so, then that will resolve without doing steroids. We will always..thank you for prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Bryan & Robyn - we just wanted to let you know that all of you are always in our prayers and thoughts. Even though we couldn't come to the service for Titus, our hearts grieved for you both. It is so awesome to be able to go to facebook or your blog each day to get an update on things. Your posts are truly amazing, heartbreaking, and inspirational. We love you, and are heartened by the fact that you have such wonderful doctors, nurses, family, and friends surrounding you. Please let us know if there is a specific want or need we can take care of for you. We would be glad to help in ANY way!! Love, Chad, Kerry, Zane, Zack, & Morgan
