Journey to Parenthood

I want to be purposeful about journaling during this time in our lives as we watch our miracle micro preemie, Asher, continue to grow and thrive. I began this blog during my month of bed rest at the hospital while I was pregnant with Asher and his brother Titus. We continue to hope and trust the Lord for Asher's future. This blog begins with the story of how both of our boys came to be. They came about after many tears, many prayers, and many months of crushed hopes. On February 2, 2012, our boys Titus Bauer and Asher Mark were born at just 23 weeks and 2 days gestation. My water around Titus broke at 19 weeks, so his lungs were very underdeveloped. Titus lived 45 minutes and is now living a perfect life in heaven as he watches over his little brother Asher. Two and a half years later God redeemed our story of hurt with a precious full term baby brother for Asher. We are humbled by how the Lord has loved on us in our journey through parenthood.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Update: Just Trying to Grow!

Wide awake tonight! We are thankful for another good day. Asher's up to being fed a 1/2 oz every 3 hrs and he's now 1 lb 14 oz. Now we just need to grow! Maybe 2lbs for his 2mo birthday? We'll see! Thank you for prayers!


  1. Great! He seems like he is learning to breathe pretty well. After Malachi got on the nasal cannula things starting moving quickly. Will be praying Asher packs on the pounds now. Does he have to reach a certain weight before he can go home?

  2. Thank you! No, but he has a ways to go with gaining before he's healthy and we even discuss going home! He'll have to be able to bottle-feed, or nurse which means breathe, swallow, and suck all at the same time. Sucking reflex doesn't really develop until 34 weeks. He's at 31 and has been practicing, so that's good. :)
