Journey to Parenthood

I want to be purposeful about journaling during this time in our lives as we watch our miracle micro preemie, Asher, continue to grow and thrive. I began this blog during my month of bed rest at the hospital while I was pregnant with Asher and his brother Titus. We continue to hope and trust the Lord for Asher's future. This blog begins with the story of how both of our boys came to be. They came about after many tears, many prayers, and many months of crushed hopes. On February 2, 2012, our boys Titus Bauer and Asher Mark were born at just 23 weeks and 2 days gestation. My water around Titus broke at 19 weeks, so his lungs were very underdeveloped. Titus lived 45 minutes and is now living a perfect life in heaven as he watches over his little brother Asher. Two and a half years later God redeemed our story of hurt with a precious full term baby brother for Asher. We are humbled by how the Lord has loved on us in our journey through parenthood.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween!

The last time we dressed Asher up he was a little over 2lbs and he was a bunny for Easter. I was so excited to find a tiny preemie sized bunny outfit that I just couldn't resist. But, I promised him after that I wouldn't do that to him again, and the next time he wore a costume it would be of something tough like he is! So, we thought a shark was pretty tough. Have you seen Shark Wrangler?? Wow. They command respect. Ha! Well, we really enjoyed getting to dress Asher up for his first Halloween- can't wait to see him running around next year at Halloween!

Loves to grab my hair now! 

Asher's best friends! Going to try to photoshop him in since he couldn't join them this year. Maybe next year...

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